Typescript Language Service Plugins Rock (Especially when doing Angular)!!

The architects on the project I am working on at work decided they wanted us to follow the Typescript and Angular Style guides, and wanted us to automate the enforcement if possible. After a bit of digging, we discovered that TSLint would allow us to identify the infractions in our source code, but it was … More Typescript Language Service Plugins Rock (Especially when doing Angular)!!

Making ngBootstrap’s Modal work more like Angular Material Dialog

On the project I am working on at CGI we have decided to use to use ng-bootstrap as the component library for the Angular 4 application we are building.  Personally, I prefer Angular Material component library, but for the most part it’s just a matter of taste. There is, however, one area in which Angular Material is … More Making ngBootstrap’s Modal work more like Angular Material Dialog

Microsoft Virtual Academy’s Mastering Angular 2/4 Course

Hi All. At work (Cognitive X Solutions) we have been using Angular 1.6 on MVC 5.3 for multiple reasons: We are REALLY good with Angular 1.6 and have built some large applications with it (and done some pretty amazing things with it…) ASP.NET Core doesn’t support NHibernate, our selected ORM technology, due to missing System.Data APIs. … More Microsoft Virtual Academy’s Mastering Angular 2/4 Course

Update on Angular 1, OAuth, and OData, and Custom Identity Provider

Hi All. For those who have been waiting on my next entry in “Angular 1, OAuth, and OData, and Custom Identity Provider“, I just wanted to give you an update:  The project is currently on hold due to a higher priority project (moving websites, DBs, and a SOLR server from old server(s) to new ones). … More Update on Angular 1, OAuth, and OData, and Custom Identity Provider

General Data Protection Regulation and ASP.NET and Why we host all our sites on Azure

I’m taking a quick sidestep from my current series to talk about the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which is the European Union’s regulation on how companies need to deal with the personal data of European citizens.  It comes into effect in May of 2018, and carries a stiff fine (up at $20,000,000). For that … More General Data Protection Regulation and ASP.NET and Why we host all our sites on Azure